The Friends support Sheet Music Binding Project with $30,000 grant!

Friends President Carmen Bendixen presents $30,000 grant to The Seattle Public Library’s Music Librarian Bob Tangney and Librarian Marcellus Turner for the Sheet Music Binding Project.

The Central Library houses an extensive sheet music collection, but the contents have been minimally cataloged making much of the fragile collection difficult to locate and maintain. With a $30,000 grant The Friends of The Seattle Public Library is supporting the Library’s Sheet Music Binding Project, which aims to make this collection more durable and attractive to users with pamphlet binds, appropriate shelving and cataloging.

By enabling discovery through online search and onsite browse, and improving the access and user experiences, we believe this hidden collection will increase in use by the City’s musicians and music enthusiasts of many backgrounds. The longer term goal will ensure improved and sustained access to this unique collection by its repair, preservation, and organization.

The Friends of the Seattle Public Library is a non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to promoting our Library as an essential institution of society and supporting its mission and vision. Our volunteer members advocate for, educate about, and raise funds on behalf of The Library. Learn more